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2019-01-16 11:35 深圳公务员考试网 https://shenzhen.huatu.com/文章来源:广东银行考试网


  American Airlines chairman and chief executive officer Gerard Arpey said Thursday that he is taking “personal responsibility” for the bad maintenance that has forced the carrier to cancel 3,000 flights this week for aircraft inspections.

  MD-80s sat on the sidelines at Dallas/Fort Worth international Airport on Thursday, when American Airlines canceled more than 930 flights as inspections continued. The Fort Worth-based carrier has canceled 570 flights scheduled today.

  “I run the company,” Mr.Arpey told reporters at an afternoon news conference, “so if there is any blame to be had, it is my fault, and I take full responsibility for this.”

  American canceled more than 930 flights Thursday as its mechanics, quality assurance inspectors and engineers worked to ensure that the carrier’s fleet of 300 MD-80 jets would meet Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations.

  The Fort Worth-based carrier canceled 570 flights for today as well, and expects the disruptions to continue into the weekend, although an airline spokesman said Saturday’s cancellations should be fewer than today’s.

  On Tuesday, American grounded its fleet of aging MD-80s, which have an average age of more than 18 years and include some past their 25th birthday, to redo checks of the wiring harnesses in the right wheel well of the jets-only two weeks after it had performed the same inspections.

  The FAA has said in recent days that its enforcement hasn’t changed or become stricter. But Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison said airlines have told her they have noticed a difference.

  “The standard is now being very, very rigidly enforced and leeway is being taken away.” Ms.Hutchison said: “I can’t say if it’s good or bad. But I know that it’s changed”

  Today, the U.S. has five to eight aviation fatalities per 100 million people who fly each year, during the mid-1990s, it was about 45 deaths per 100 million people flown.

  1.What situation is being reported in the passage?

  A. American Airlines is trying to meet the FAA regulations

  B. American Airlines is canceling 570 flights today

  C. American Airlines is blaming its CEO Gerard Arpey

  D. American Airlines is making internal inspections


  2. According to the passage, American Airlines ( )

  A. is going to have a new chairman and CEO

  B. only operates from Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport

  C. is an airline that has 3000 MD-80 airplanes

  D. is a company that is headquartered in Fort Worth, Dallas


  3.The American Airlines has ( ).

  A. 570 airplanes

  B. 930 different planes

  C. 300 MD-80s

  D. 3000 flights

  【答案】C。文段定位engineers worked to ensure that the carrier’s fleet of 300 MD-80 jets would meet……,因此只有C项正确。ABD均不符题目,故排除,因此答案选C项。

  4.The FAA and Senator Kay Balley Hutchison seem to disagree on ( ).

  A. the usefulness of the FAA regulations for airlines

  B. whether the FAA standard is being taken away

  C. whether FAA is enforcing its regulations too strictly

  D. the total number of flights of American Airlines

  【答案】C。FAA声称“in recent days that its enforcement hasn’t changed or become stricter”,但是kay说“the standard is now being very, very rigidly enforced ……”因此分歧就在于到底有没有变得更加严苛。A侧重分期在于FAA制定的规则是否有效,显然不合文段,排除。B项指的是FAA的标准是否会被否,文段也没有提及,排除。D项侧重美国航空飞机的总数,显然不是文段的争议点,故排除。因此答案选D项。

  5.The ultimate problem that prompted the grounding of the American Airlines fleet is that ( ).

  A. it has not done any inspections before

  B. its airplanes are far too old to fly any more

  C. it has not met the FAA maintenance standard

  D. the fatality rate has doubled on the last 15 years

  【答案】C。根据文段,最终导致将飞机落地检查就是没有达到FAA的标准,选择C项。A项我们从文段的“the right wheel well of the jets-only two weeks after it had performed the same inspections”可知之前是有过检查的,因此排除。B项文段中没有提及,无中生有,排除。D项指的是在过去15年,牺牲率是现在的两倍,根据最后一段我们可以知道不止两倍,排除。因此答案选C项。

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