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2019-01-23 09:19 深圳公务员考试网 https://shenzhen.huatu.com/文章来源:广东银行考试网

  Teenagers are spending more money than ever. Just last year, 31.6 million teens spent 155 billion, according to the North-brook, Illinois-based market research group Teenage Research Unlimited. Much of that money, of course, comes from parents.

  Shocked at how much money kids spend? Maybe you haven't checked the price tags lately on some of the younger generation's must-haves.

  To some, such extravagant spending on the notoriously fickle young might seem outrageous. Why do some parents give in?

  One factor is surely the sheer power of marketing through mass media. According to the group Adbusters, teenagers are exposed to an estimated 3,000 advertisements each day. Combine the ads with programming itself, like the fashion-, music-and skin-filled shows on MTV, and you've got a barrage of messages telling kids what they should own if they want to fit in.

  “The pressures on parents today are enormous,” says Tom Vogele, a single father of twin 18-year-old girls in Newport Beach, Calif. “I truly believe it is harder today to raise children without spoiling them, not because parents are less capable or lazy, but because so many forces are working against me.”

  Many working parents probably compensate by spending money on their kids, says Timothy Marshall, an associate professor of developmental psychology at Christopher Newport University in Virginia. For some, there is probably some guilt involved in not spending enough time at home. But, adds Marshall, spending money is also often more convenient in our fast-paced society than going to baseball games or other activities.

  “It's easier to say let’s go out and spend some money, in terms of finding time in a busy schedule to spend with kids,” Marshall said.

  For many families, of course, keeping up with their children’s costly demands for designer clothing, CDs, and concert tickets is a financial impossibility. Even for those families who can afford such lavish spending, striking a compromise between spoiling the kids and denying them is tricky, but possible.

  Teaching kids how to budget and save is key, Marshall says. Instead of just giving children the toys or clothing they desire, give them an allowance and show them how they can save up for whatever they want, he says.

  And don't be afraid to just say no, Marshall adds. “We need to step up and tell kids where the boundaries are, that's part of our responsibility as parents,” he said.

  21.In the first paragraph, “Northbrook”is most probably( ).

  A. a market research company based in Illinois

  B. a spokesman for the Teenage Research Unlimited

  C. the base of the Teenage Research Unlimited

  D. the city where the spending survey was carried out

  【答案】D。细节题。根据首段according to the North-brook, Illinois-based market research group Teenage Research Unlimited可以知道Teenage Research Unlimited首字母都大写了,所以Teenage Research Unlimited是专有名词的名称,即market research group的名称,那么Northbrook就不可能是该市场调查小组的名称了,所以排除A;B指的是发言人,但原文Illinois是指美国的伊利诺斯州,且market research group 位于该州,而州的前面有个逗号,逗号前可推测,是比州更小一级单位的地点,即:市。只有选项D符合。故选D。

  22.Some people find it outrageous that ( ).

  A. some parents indulge their children in extravagant spending

  B. some younger generation's must-haves could cost so much

  C. some parents are ignorant about their children's spending

  D. some children disregard their notorious spending habits

  【答案】A。细节题。第三段首句中的To some, such extravagant spending on the notoriously fickle young might seem outrageous表明有些人认为家长愿意在需求多变的小孩身上花很多钱是令人难以忍受的,因此A项是意思最接近的,即:父母放纵孩子在花销上铺张浪费。BCD都不是有些人认为的不能接受的对象。故A为本题答案。

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